Adopt-a-Battery Cell

We are a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, EIN: 81-4817863. All the contributions are tax deductible. No goods or services will be provided for the contribution.
Help us build our Battery Pack!
Help us to build our next Battery Pack by donating to adopt a Battery Cell or by donating a custom amount!
Our New Battery Pack:
The Battery Pack is how the solar car stores all the energy the solar array receives from the sun. In our constant effort to improve our vehicles, we have started the process of building a new lighter, and more efficient battery pack. The new battery pack will save an estimated 300lbs compared to the current one. This change will increase the efficiency of our current, and future, vehicles dramatically to better compete and move towards our goal of a practical sustainable transportation method.
What Is your donation is going towards?
Your donation will go towards the full development of the next battery pack. This includes:
Battery Cells
Battery Enclosure
Battery Testing Equipment
Battery Cell Testing Equipment
High Voltage Cable
High Voltage Protective Gloves
Battery Cooling
Wires and Connectors
Each aspect of this development is as important as the others. The pack is only as good as its least efficient cell, therefore, it is very important to safely test each one of the estimated 1300 cells so we can choose the most efficient ones.
This pack is designed with the future in mind. Not only will this pack work in our current vehicle with the current components, but it is being designed to be easily implemented into future vehicles without many modifications.

Robby Stewart | $100: A big fan of your cause. Keep up the good work!
Tony Schroedl | $100
Ron & Karen Fotino | $100
Sally Edmonds | $20
Amanda Kilcrease | $50
Toby Nichols | $200
Joe & Dianne Cline | $50: Very impressive! Everyone needs to help them out, for helping us all out!
Rob Harris | $200
Chris & Andrea Blake | $500